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Your Real Estate License Is a License to Network

Well, you have your real estate license. Now what? You need to get some clients, and the advice from everyone is start your network. Your real estate license is really a license for you to be able to start networking. How many people can you meet? How many people can you tell what you do for a living? You are going to network yourself into becoming a successful real estate agent.

Say you need to have 100 conversations to get one client. How quickly can you get to 100? Well, you can go to events and conferences to meet a lot of people in one place and spread the word. There is another way to go about this. What if everywhere you went, people came up to you to start a conversation? You are at the dry cleaners, and people approach you. You are in line at the grocery, and people come up to you to start conversations. Does this seem like it can only happen in an episode of The Twilight Zone? Not true. This could become your reality.

Let’s take a short detour. As a woman, how often do you tell another woman, “I love you shoes?” or “Where did you get those earrings?” You probably do it all the time, and you may not realize that every time you do this, you are starting a conversation with a complete stranger. Are you starting to connect the dots on how this could help you professionally?

Let’s connect the dots for the slow processors. If you wear items that attract people, people will come up to you to give you compliments, thus starting conversations with you that you can then pivot into conversations about what you do for a living. Did the light bulb come on?

Look down at what you are wearing. Are you wearing anything that would be a conversation starter? If not, you have some changes to make. They’re easy changes to make, though. Start introducing some conversation starters into your wardrobe and see your opportunities for conversations start to increase.

Now, the only other thing you have to work on is how to pivot a conversation so you can tell people what you do, and it also handy to always have some business cards on hand. Use your license to network wisely, and you will be on your way to growing your prospects, clients, and referrals. The next step is to get your clients to start having conversations about you, and your business will start growing organically through referrals. How do you do that? Well, that’s another license-a license to refer. Is it just me, or does that sound like the worst possible name for the next James Bond movie?

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